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Privileges - new, clear, easy to set up | Improvement |
All privileges can now be set by the 'privileges' button above the records table. People permissions, contract permissions and more can now be set in a new interface that gives a better overview of the resulting privileges. For example, you can see what privileges people have as individuals and what additional ones they have from the group they are included in. The new interface also allows you to set multiple privileges at once, or move to other privileges sections more easily.
Expenses module extended to include costs for vehicle | New feature |
An option to record costs for vehicle has been added to expenses. It allows you to add fuel purchases and more, for the vehicles created in vehicle logbook. These expenses can then be displayed together with the vehicle trips in contracts module, or included in basis for invoicing.
Selection from predefined expenses | New feature |
To avoid having to fill in every cost, revenue or cost for vehicle from the beginning, you can now create predefined expenses and select from them. You can also predefine the unit of measure and the price per unit of measure (cost or billing).