What is new in the application |
Important - some parts of the application have been renamed or moved. Please see the information below. |
Web application |
'Attendance' has been changed to 'Event log' | Improvement |
The Event log is now active for all users. The Event log records every start of an activity or end of work (in mobile, PC and terminal applications) and serves as a log of individual events.
'Attendance' column has been changed to 'Unverified by events' | Improvement |
In the Time tracking, the original values of the Attendance column (alright / unverified / missing) have changed. The newly named column 'Unverified by events' now shows the amount of time in which it cannot be verified that the person was actually at the location.
Records lock | New feature |
Records can now be locked. A locked record cannot be edited, overwritten by another record, or deleted. Suitable, for example, for a fixed lunch break. Locking records must be authorized by the account administrator.
'My overview' | New feature |
The new overview can be found among others on the home page of the application.
Each person can view the current running activity and information for the selected time period.
Small improvements | Improvement |
Mobile and desktop application |
'Attendance' has been changed to 'Event log' | Improvement |
Event log (Attendance) records will no longer be displayed on the Time tracking screen. The Event log is now active for all users. The Event log records every start of an activity or end of work and serves as a log of individual events. At creation, a verification is performed to see if the person was actually at the location. This information can be evaluated by the administrator in the web application. |
View comparison with Event log or Plan | New feature |
You can use the icon on the main screen to view the back layer for the Time tracking. This will give you a comparison with the time from the Event log or Plan. So you will see what part of this time is not yet filled in on the Time tracking. You can then quickly fill in the Time tracking from this offer.
Quick actions panel | Improvement |
On 'Today' screen, the panel for starting activities has changed to 'Quick actions panel'.
Only the default actions can be run in this panel. There are two sets of buttons (you can switch between them in application settings).
Original panel Time measurement Coming / Leaving Button functions Starting other activities and templates is moved to the plus button. |
Records lock | New feature |
Records can now be locked .
A locked record cannot be edited, overwritten by another record, or deleted. Suitable, for example, for a fixed lunch break. Locking records must be allowed by the account administrator.
Swipe features - used by moving a record (iOS, Android) | Improvement |
You can also work with records using the swipe feature (move a record sideways with your finger). New features have been added for short swipe to the right and long swipe to the left or right.
Small improvements | Improvement |
Fixed terminal application |
New ways to start an activity from templates | New feature |
Now you can also start an activity from your favorite templates, history or plan after logging in.
Quick actions panel | Improvement |
On the right side of the screen there is a new quick actions panel. Default actions can be started in this panel. There are two sets of buttons (you can switch between them in the persons settings).
Configurable activities for each separate terminal | New feature |
You can now set for each terminal which activities are displayed on the device.